Formula Brewing

1875 NW Poplar Way

Issaquah, WA, United States of America

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This venue is affiliated with Formula Brewing

Logs for this venue

Roast and toast, but not very much body, at least in comparison to the Background Guys. Suffers in the comparison, but it’s decent.
Dark bread, pretzels? Clean, a tiny bit sweet but dry, nice body.
A vinous, grapey wild saison with a tannic, dry, lightly hop-bitter finish. Nice, tangy, funky. As the flavor settles a bit of smoky, peppery Belgian yeast character pops through.
Grassy, bitter, slightly brackish, a touch sweet; would have made a great drinking Helles by itself. The smoke is woody, somewhat bittering, maybe not 100% integrated into the flavor. I liked it but it was a thinker.