Koholā Brewery

910 Honoapiilani Hwy #55

Lahaina, HI, United States of America

Vital Statistics

This venue is affiliated with Koholā Brewery

Logs for this venue

Somehow less resin than the Talk Story but without the interesting grain flavor. Definitely Hop centric but not bad.
Sweet-roast, creamy and mellow. Really easy to drink although there's something a bit... hollow about the finish? Thin enough that I'd call this a porter.
A noted step down from the regular pilsner; this isn't bad, per se, but the pineapple-juice quality of the fruit erodes the crispness just enough to subvert the flavor. Not fake or weird, just a touch out of balance.
A new brewery, charmingly inserted into the old Maui Brewing space in Lahaina. This is a light, tasty German/American pilsner with a hit of tropical fruit on the front of the flavor. Really strong offering.