Growler USA
8300 160th Ave NE
Redmond, WA, United States of America
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Logs for this venue

Nitro sour, kind of weirdly sweet and sour at the same time. Roast bitterness creeps up at the end.
Nitro Draft

Coriander-white pepper saison, slightly fruity-tart. What you'd expect from Logsdon. There's some kind of lingering spice heat on the finish... not Szechuan peppercorn as far as I can tell, but I can't yet identify what the Far East is exactly.

Chocolatey brown ale, lightly flavored. Sweet cocoa and a bit of nutty funk. Not particularly hazelnutty in its taste. Finishes clean.

Caramel sweet, slightly buttery, slightly fruity - orange peach. Notable floral bergamot notes, and a bit of woody smoke lingering. From roasted tea?

Sweet coffee porter. Like the St. Anthony, a little insipid in flavor, but also doesn't fall victim to the common traps of a porter - it stays smooth, doesn't sour, and the coffee flavor is good.

Slightly tart, slightly funky saison. There's a metallic quality to the sourness. The flavor is light, and at first you might think it's a bit watery. I think it's just that the tartness is a little unassertive.

Actually much better than I thought it would be. A smooth chocolate stout flavor evolves into a medium-tart plum vinegar-like sourness. It's a lot less sour than something like a Tart of Darkness, but still decently so. However, the stout and sour flavors remain somewhat separate and don't really meld into a unified entity.

Translucent porter with a thinnish, somewhat watery body. Mildly roasted with some distinct licorice notes and a rooty flavor that might be from hops or something else but which gave a weird medicinal, Chinese-herb character to the beer.

A pretty standard witbier, lightly flavored with some prominent white pepper / coriander notes. I felt like this was missing some acid or fruit to make this more interesting.

This whole series has turned out to be rather pleasant. Mildly tart, recognizably fruity apricot flavors and an effervescent, sweet wheat finish. I still like the hibiscus best so far in this family, but this was quite tasty.

Typical Mexican lager with a good, solid flavor. Slightly sweet, slightly Uric.

Skookum Solitary Confinement Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout (unknown release)
A sweetish, thick stout with a lot of bourbon still in the barrel. Not particularly sophisticated, but the flavor is right.

Smells very sweet, like you'd expect, but the flavor is much less so. Good roast, good overtone of pecan pie / molasses flavor. Very drinkable.

Kolsch/Lager-like blonde ale with a cloudy, mildly yeasty opening but a sweet cereal finish. Really enjoyable, not unlike the Denali Agave Gold ale that I enjoyed here last time. This one gets a growler too.

Wow, I don't know what was up with my palate, but this smelled and tasted like straight up rubbing alcohol to me. I liked it last time!

Definitely hoppier than I was looking for at the moment. Pretty good flavor, but not enough time to explore more as I was shopping for something specific.

Definitely an IPA. The menu just said "wheat ale" so I was fooled a little.

Quite good. I don't always like Sierra Nevada beers, but their rotating Oktoberfest collaboration series has been excellent so far.

From way back in the log. Can't remember anything, except thinking it lived up to memory.

From way back in the log. Can't remember anything.
Nitro Draft

Ginger beer with a bit of vinegary tang added to it. Did not taste like beer. It was pretty okay-tasting, but definitely not in a beery way.

Super sour. I don't know if this went bad, or was by design, but this was not at all a doppelbock. Tasted somewhat like a Flanders Red, but honestly like a mistake. The beertenders were a bit flummoxed as well.

Weird, woody and rooty. Not at all summery from my taste. Mollusk does some weird stuff sometimes, and this one counts as weird.

Light, crisp Pilsner, a little on the sweet side. Typical flavors of German Pilsner.

Unusual and delicious, I thought. Slightly tangy, cloudy yeast flavors but with a sweet, smooth finish that may or may not be the agave, but reminiscent of some honey ales I've had (though without that distinct floral flavor). Super-drinkable. I bought a growler for a patio party immediately after trying this.

I liked this a lot better than I thought I would - a malty, slightly caramel ESB, not too hoppy. A nice change from your typical west coast take on the style. I only had a taster of this and wish I'd had more.