Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery
28256 Diehl Rd
Warrenville, IL, United States of America
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Not very fruity, and certainly don't believe them if they say it's like a sour .
Slight blueberry effervescence in the head, define beer bitterness, but not much fruit in the flavor .
Overall, I feel it was somewhat rough.

Really just not very exciting. Roy says "you could drink a lot of it" and I follow, "but why would you want to?"

Medium IPA. Not overly bitter for the type. Not overly dry. Not overly grapefruit. Not super juicy. I guess they wanted to tightly constrain their beer to the center of the type. For all that, I don't think it's bad.

Smells like a high test bourbon barrel aged beer, but I actually think it's okay. However something might have gone wrong in the aging since this has some of the underlying flavor profile that I associate with a sour. It's not in any way sour, but it has the almost grainy semi thick mouth character that I associate with some sours.

The woody-barley flavor you'd expect, but I also get a hint of anise.

Very spicy, but I kinda like that. Just read Mike's description.

Hint of floral scent. Cool, crisp and refreshing. Though it gets a little harsh as I continue to drink it.

Bitter, slightly citrus. A little bit of a burn, oddly enough. It's like it's halfway to an IPA.

Slightly roasty scent, but weak and watery taste, one of those cola-like European beers that I don't actually like.