Capitol Cider

818 E Pike St

Seattle, WA, United States of America

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Logs for this venue

Smooth peach taste. Very good, but not super exciting.
Last dessert cider in a flight of three. I kid you not, this cider smells like an obscene cat fart or a foot fungus. Like I hesitated to put the drink in my mouth because the same odor surrounds my cat's litter box. The taste was surprisingly fine - a little fruity and a little woody. The forest taste stuck around in my mouth. I had no idea this was 16% because it was so smooth!
So this was labeled "Pommeau" on the menu and I assume this is the right cider? It was a very powerful scent - more of a musk really. Like honey whiskey. While the initial taste was honey whiskey, there was a sudden donkey punch to the throat. Maybe like if I choked on a whiskey soaked flower petal, because it was definitely a floral something. Second cider in flight of dessert ciders. Alex said "gross".
So this ice cider had a super fresh and crisp smell, like a field of berries in a blizzard. The taste was super sweet like a baked apple pie with extra emphasis on the butter. Kinda jammy aftertaste? I felt like the flavor was sliding down my throat. This was the first in a flight of three dessert ciders.
Really sweet, like fruit juice. No bite. Simple and tasty!
Lighter grapefruit taste, but with a super smooth and sweet orangey finish. Tasted like a very sweet fruit juice with just a hint of tartness.
Tart, more like cranberry taste than Pomegranite but decent
Pretentious tasting as this lounge bar
Wow amazing!
This is the driest cider I've ever had. Not sure that's a good thing yet.
This is probably blasphemy but I swear it's better than some Champagnes I've had.