The Bruery Tasting Room

717 Dunn Way

Placentia, CA, United States of America

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Incredibly boozy and much too much over the top. Lots of prune and did I mention booze?
Having really liked the base beer, I had high hopes, but I think the extra booze (now 13%) just knocked this out of balance. Lots of yam, maple, caramel and bourbon made for an oversweet, over-alcoholic experience.
Very bready, with plenty of molasses & a touch of gingerbread spice, I thought. I was looking for banana notes but didn't find them, although there was a strong hint of raisin or dried plum. Strong booze presence, but overall, very decent.
Vinous with a light spice presence, and surprisingly strong banana-like esters made me think weizen rather than Belgian here. Very drinkable and refreshing!
Muted hints of fruit & wine, pleasant but bordering on watery. Over time, more complex wood and metallic notes come out, making this beer more interesting, but on the whole it is harder-edged and not as enjoyable as the Saison Rue.