Tarun N.

All about Tarun

Tarun isn't a member of any clubs.
Tarun has logged 25 beers a total of 26 times.
Tarun's favorite beer so far seems to be Rydeen IPA: 83 (logged 1 time)
Tarun's favorite type of beer seems to be American India Pale Ale / IPA.

Tarun's Log

Light fruity kolsch with some mild mint like notes at the finish. Summer drink and given the name it’s low alcohol nature and mild vibe fits with the times.
Bottle at Edwardsville, IL
Chilled. Tasty dry blueberry notes that mix well with the golden ale notes in that way a lot of breweries wish they could manage. A bit more depth on the beer side would have taken this up a notch or two.
Can at Edwardsville, IL
Mellow wheat beer without the bland citrus vibes of most. If anything there is a bit of pineapple hiding in the aftertaste with a little more bitterness on the front.
Draft at Giordano’s
I guess I like living on the edge since I went with another fruit beer from Two Pitchers, this time watermelon. It was fine.
A well balanced Pale Ale without that insane hoppiness that seems like a dick-measuring contest. Honestly the notes are the most standard pale ale imaginable, but it is just well executed.
Bottle at Restaurant
A relatively standard sour, nice low in alcohol but plenty of flavor. Beings bit picky the plum doesn’t integrate as well as it could. I’ll see how it does as it warms up a bit.
Well i hated it. Cherries, elderberries, and strawberries = carbonated Dimetap. Sweet and syrupy and bitter and no balance whatsoever.
Can at Home
In the bottle the flavors are less harmonized and the hibiscus sweetness actually fights with the saison’s bitterness.
Bottle at Costa Rica
Remarkably sophisticated saison with hibiscus backing that is blended thoroughly and complements the light bitterness.
Draft at Costa Rica
Delicious orange citrus notes without the overhopping that kills so many IPAs
Despite being award winning I thought it was mid. Just a blonde ale without significant distinct character.
Nice light, smooth weizen with floral citrus notes.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
I think yuzu aroma is overstating the case. Maybe more tangerine as it lacks some of the floral notes of yuzu on the nose. Taste is a bit creamy at the start that gives way to a hard bitterness without much depth
Bottle at Home
Middling with light hops and a strong generic orange citrusy taste.
Just a bit overly alcoholic for a session beer at 4.7%. But tasty and not generic like so many IPAs
Can at Home
IPA just like every other.
Draft at Seabreeze on the Dock, Oakland CA