Mike R.

All about Mike

Mike isn't a member of any clubs.
Mike has logged 3 beers a total of 3 times.
Mike's favorite beer so far seems to be Avery Twenty XXIPA: 83 (logged 1 time)
Mike's favorite type of beer seems to be American India Pale Ale / IPA.

Mike's Log

After a 365 mile motorcycle ride, it was the perfect beer. Light. Aley. Delicious
Bottle at Bend, OR
At 9.7%, I was expecting something with more of a pure alcohol bite to it. Nope. It was a solid IPA that did not have that heavy over-alcoholed flavor.
Rarely do I encounter a beer that I cannot finish. Granted it was my fourth beer of the night, but it was so intensely over the top that I could only make it through about 12 of the 16 ounces.