All about Liz
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Liz has logged 38 beers a total of 49 times.
Liz's favorite type of beer seems to be American Pale Ale.
Liz's Log

Mm, not bad. Subtle, but not in a "that's code for boring" kind of way.
Draft at Rubicon Brewing Company, Sacramento

Love this beer any time, but after my first training session for the upcoming 5K? Nectar of the gods.
Bottle at Home

From Davis Beer Shoppe. This is...powerful. 12% ABV, tastes like rum/bourbon, and will definitely put hair on your chest. *checks* Yep.
Bottle at Home

Very tasty. Much like Rogue Hazelnut Brown, but less sweet/nutty. Another, please.
Draft at Black Dragon Brewery, Woodland

Smells like a farmhouse ale but doesn't deliver. Nice aftertaste, though, and a very subtle hint of orange. Very clean-tasting.
Bottle at Home

Smooth, non-aggressively pumpkin-y ale. Definitely no fake flavors here. The pumpkin isn't quite forward enough for my taste, but then that's what I remember of Dogfish Head flavored beers -- the other tastes reveal themselves best with a complementary food.
Bottle at Home

Had just a taste of the Davis-Petaluma brewing crew's latest batch. Good work, guys! Nice and malty and just the right carbonation level. The beer is only two weeks old, so it likely still has some changing left to do. Name comes from waiting for the Petaluma brewer to hurry up and come try it already and/or for the raucous mallard outside the apartment.
Bottle at Friend's house

The first sour I've ever tried. Huh. Not sour like lemons, sour like...sour. Puzzling, but not in a bad way. Not sure I'd want a whole one.
Draft at Russian River Brewery, Santa Rosa

More of a bite than Berryessa's Saison, which I suppose is to be expected from the hop-happy folks at Russian River. Pretty good.
Draft at Russian River Brewery, Santa Rosa

It was...sweet? I'm not sure. It did wash the BBQ down properly, so there's that.
Bottle at Pre-wedding picnic, Sonoma

Smoother on draft than in the bottle. Both are still excellent.
Draft at Village Pizza & Grill, Davis

Very refreshing. Somehow just right for that particular day.
Bottle at Home

This is PIE BEER. Is there anything better? No. It has all the good spices and squash-ness of a pumpkin pie but without being too sweet or too over-spiced. I can't taste a single artificial flavor in there (so if there are any, AVBC are a crafty lot). Also, my bottlecap says "the best part of waking up is Boont Amber in your cup." Ha. Bahl hornin' indeed.
Bottle at Home

Yep, that's a red IPA. It's really beautiful to look at and has quite a bite right out of the bottle. It's smoother after breathing & warming a bit. Pretty good, though I'm not sure of my wisdom in buying a six pack.
Bottle at Home

All the best parts of a good porter plus some hazelnut! Goes well with popcorn and Star Trek. Or anything else, really.
Bottle at Home

Crisp, fizzy, witbier. A perfect non-champagne for a friend's birthday. Like any beer in a large bottle, it's not something I'd buy unless I were having folks over. I can never finish a bottle before it goes flat.
Bottle at A Friend's

Nice hoppy aroma without a strong bite and a clean lager-y finish. Entirely refreshing.
Draft at Farmer's Market Picnic in the Park, Davis

I'm surprised by how much I like this, considering I generally dislike strongly fruity beers. It's initially jammy with an almost saison-like finish, and it is AMAZING.
Bottle at Home

One of the best unfiltered wheats I've had this year. Unlike most of its bottled brethren, this one has a nice farmhouse-ale kind of flavor.
Bottle at Home

Like drinking a sour rye bread. Whoa. Glad I just had a taste of someone else's, because I'm not sure I could drink a whole pint.
Draft at Berryessa Brewing Company, Winters

Kind of thin -- more like New Belgium's 1554 Black Ale than a usual porter. Coffee flavor is maybe a little too prominent.
Draft at Berryessa Brewing Company, Winters

Single-hop IPA - mosaic hops, according to the website. Tastes a lot like Citra to me. As the beer warmed a bit, I started to taste a little bit of passionfruit.
Draft at Black Dragon Brewery, Woodland

One of Sudwerk's offerings for Davis Beer Week. Not a lot of depth to balance the bitterness -- I most definitely did not taste the "mild hints of orange peel, coriander and white pepper."
Draft at Farmers Market Picnic in the Park, Davis

Citra hops, definitely. Dan thought he tasted some fresh hops in there, but I don't have a sense of what fresh tastes like vs. dried. More bitter than I generally like.
Draft at Village Pizza & Grill, Davis

Slightly cloudy, golden, nearly no head. Bitter like whoa, but a grapefruit-type bitterness that sat quite well with me.
Draft at de Vere's Irish Pub, Davis

Had my palate ready for Separation Anxiety, but changed my mind when I saw the Saison on tap. Good (really good), but I think I really did want an IPA that afternoon. Musical offering of the day: Hollow Point Stumblers (Sacramento).
Draft at Berryessa Brewing Company, Winters

Tasting flight. Cloudy, dark copper color, faint and fleeting sour note in aftertaste. Nice and bitey with Cascade hops a strong presence in flavor and aroma. There's some note of fruit? or spices? in there -- maybe sour orange?
Draft at Track 7 Tap Room, Sacramento

Tasting flight. OK, this was good. Thick, dark, coffee/cocoa/toasty-malt flavors, generous topping of fast-collapsing foam.
Draft at Track 7 Tap Room, Sacramento

Tasting flight. Lovely clear honey color, but it didn't taste as good as it looked, Weird honey-gone-off aroma and aftertaste to match. Most of the flavor is hops, hops, and more hops. Whatever hops they used in this are, apparently, not ones I like.
Draft at Track 7 Tap Room, Sacramento

Tasting flight. Hazy gold, light carbonation, crisp mouthfeel. Light citrus notes, yeast aromas more pronounced than yeast flavors.
Draft at Track 7 Tap Room, Sacramento

Nice and crisp, good level of carbonation. Hard to get a sense of the subtle flavors drinking it from the bottle -- will try it in a glass next time.
Bottle at Home

Beautiful red-amber color. Crisp, good amount of carbonation, lightly malty aftertaste. Surprising amount of bitterness for a red ale. Perfect for a hot day.
Draft at Dos Coyotes, Davis

It' Very light flavor, slight maltiness. Entirely inoffensive, but not very interesting either.
Draft at Tower Cafe, Sacramento

Bleh. I see what they were going for, but I don't like it. Thin, too bitter, and the roasted malt just tasted burnt to me.
Draft at de Vere's Irish Pub, Davis

Cloudy yellow-gold color, tastes of coriander and orange peel.
Bottle at Home

Crisp, dry, unfiltered deliciousness. Reminded me of the best aspects of dry ciders and champagnes. I think I need to go back and get a growler of this stuff.
Draft at Berryessa Brewing Company, Winters