The most intriguing flavor was the biggest letdown. The initial taste was really off, almost vegetal, although it normalized to something more cinnamon-prominent after a couple sips.
All of these beers have a sour lactic finish, which I didn't love, but the coffee variant was the best one, probably because the bitter roast offset it.
Pretty decent chocolate milk stout. Sweet, but not too sweet. Thinnish mouthfeel. Cola-like? The milkiness lingers as a tackiness in the throat, as does something of a roast bitterness.
This doesn't seem stylistically accurate. Maybe my taste buds are off but this comes across like a slightly toastier version of the pumpkin ale, and the sweetness doesn't really work for me.
Passionfruit and resin but surprisingly non-bitter. The resin comes through more as a dense hop juice flavor. Lots of alcohol, which shows itself over time. Very much hoppier than I usually like but somehow still enjoyable.