Real Ale Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Blanco, TX, United States of America

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 85 (logged 4 times)
Real Ale Kraken: 83 (logged 1 time)
Barleywine (Aged in Barrels, Oak)
Real Ale Nomad: 83 (logged 1 time)
Belgian India Pale Ale / IPA
Real Ale Scots Gone Wild: 92 (logged 1 time)
Wild Ale
Real Ale Tenebra Aeterna: 83 (logged 1 time)

Logs for beers from this brewery

Close resemblance to Dieu du Ciel's "Dernière Volonté" which is one of my favorites.
Bottle at Home
Malty and sour forward. Sour keeps going as the maltiness turns to sweet, then to oak. Lots going on!
Bottle at Home