Very hoppy. A bit rooty in flavor, which translates to a kind of astringent, burnt sugar overtone, followed by flowery hops. This was Lagunitas-like in its unpleasantness. Would not get again.
A smooth, creamy nitro milk stout with an immediate hit of strong chili spice. It evens out the bland-sweetness you normally get form nitro. No hint of unpleasant soapiness. Pretty good, though that spice sticks with you.
This beer seriously tastes like someone took half a glass of dry white wine and blended it with have a glass of pithy IPA. Starts wine, finishes beer, and never really feels like the two halves combined into a single drink.
Bold toffee/caramel and bourbon notes, a straightforward bourbon stout that manages to be somewhat raw without being too boozy. I'd say this is somewhere on the candy-like side, but it was enjoyable in that context.