ShaKa Brewing

Commercial Brewery | Sunnyvale, CA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Affiliated Venues

ShaKa Brewing (Sunnyvale, CA, United States of America)


Overall average: 62 (logged 5 times)
ShaKa Dark Matter: 67 (logged 1 time)
ShaKa Gaia: 50 (logged 1 time)
Scotch Ale
ShaKa Gemini Tart Ale: 58 (logged 1 time)
Wild Ale
ShaKa Sunnyvale Pale Lager: 67 (logged 1 time)
European-style Pale Lager
ShaKa Yardbird Golden Ale: 67 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Pale Ale

Logs for beers from this brewery

Watery caramel notes and more roast than expected. The board says "notes of strawberry" and I have to agree, although it's not what I look for in this style.
Solid, light, roasty cream stout. Coffee.
Medium tart, apple, very dry backend. A bit astringent, like it has a Belgian yeast base perhaps?
Banana-clove Belgian. Sweetness is forward, but tehre's a nice bit of bitterness in the finish.
Buttery lager with an appley tartness. Pleasant, but it seems more like a Kolsch, and since they have a Kolsch on their menu it makes me wonder what that tastes like.