Clandestine Brewing

Commercial Brewery | San Jose, CA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Affiliated Venues

Clandestine Brewing (San Jose, CA, United States of America)


Overall average: 70 (logged 5 times)
Clandestine Boycott: 67 (logged 1 time)
English Pale Ale / Bitter
Clandestine Codename: VW: 67 (logged 1 time)
Clandestine Fire & Fury: 67 (logged 1 time)
Amber / Red Ale
Clandestine Milky Way Stout: 75 (logged 1 time)
Clandestine Strong Arm: 75 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Strong Pale Ale

Logs for beers from this brewery

Very light, the kind of lightness that you might want to avoid after a strong flight, because you won't be able to taste anything.
Creamy, caramel, light stout. A little roasty. Very nice.
Is it tripel-like? It's been so long I can't even tell. Relatively thick mouthfeel, cereal-honey, but with a dry, clean finish. Belgian yeast flavors lurk underneath and emerge in the aftertaste.
Lightly hoppy. Dark amber ale with some malt and a kind of gingery, spicy, candy quality. The heat builds up but I'm not sure I caught a lot of smoke.