Dubtown Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Renton, WA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Affiliated Venues

Dubtown Brewing Company (Renton, WA, United States of America)


Overall average: 71 (logged 2 times)
Dubtown Blackstrap Imperial Stout: 75 (logged 1 time)
Dubtown Main Street: 67 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Ale

Logs for beers from this brewery

This one fizzed out the bottle and kept going for a long time, which made me fear something a little over-yeasted, but it was fine. Hints of pepper and spice on top of a roasty, medium thick stout. Not sure I tasted much bourbon, but the Tweak may have changed my palate.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
Dry, piney, a little bit dank, a little cereal funk, makes me think of a west coast pale crossed with an English pale. Pretty tasty.