Hana Koa Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Honolulu, HI, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Affiliated Venues

Hana Koa Brewing Company (Honolulu, HI, United States of America)


Overall average: 67 (logged 5 times)
Hana Koa Cartoon Crunch: 67 (logged 1 time)
Wild Ale
Hana Koa Dubliner: 67 (logged 1 time)
European-style Dark Lager
Hana Koa Party Boy Pils: 67 (logged 1 time)
Japanese Rice Lager
Hana Koa Rad Sauce: 58 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA


Hana Koa / Ghost Town Nectachronicon (collaboration): 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA

Logs for beers from this brewery

Fairly ideal black lager, a bit on the roastier side, but also with a strong cream-coffee sweetness.
Pretty sweet, light, but not watery in the way that beers like this can get. Would maybe have wished for a little character to poke out past the sweetness. First Lukr pour I've consciously had, can't say I noticed anything different about it.
Tropical/pine hazy. The bitterness is a little more on the dank, herbal side but fades away quickly.
Opening flavor is pure strawberry, followed by blackberry and cherry. Juicy but only medium tart. Definitely fits the description of a "smoothie sour."
Really tasty; peach-like fruit, pine, hovers on the edge of herbal without going over. Clean finish. Tastes like the best kind of double in flavor intensity without the strength.