Off the Rails Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Sunnyvale, CA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Affiliated Venues

Off the Rails Brewing Company (Sunnyvale, CA, United States of America)


Overall average: 67 (logged 4 times)
Off the Rails Commuter IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Off the Rails Hops On Rye IPA: 58 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Off the Rails Lazy Hazy IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Off the Rails Longhaul: 75 (logged 1 time)
Bavarian Hefeweizen
Off the Rails OTIS: 67 (logged 1 time)
Off the Rails Trappist: 67 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Dark Ale
Off the Rails Yolo IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA

Logs for beers from this brewery

I honestly don't remember too much about this beer.
Spicy, rooty, hoppy. Pungent. Finishes bitter with a notable amount of resin, although it doesn't linger.
Dry but clean, lighter pepper and clove character than the Hefe, toastier as well. I liked it.
Peppery, light banana, not too sweet. Dry finish. Solid Hefeweizen!