Shimai Toshi Brewing

Commercial Brewery | Portland, OR, United States of America

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 78 (logged 3 times)
Shimai Toshi YPA: 83 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Shimai Toshi Yuzu Lager: 75 (logged 2 times)
American Pale Lager

Logs for beers from this brewery

Sharp citrus on the nose compared to the Pizza Pals, more lime. On top of a cereal IPA base with some lager-like dryness. I found this very enjoyable.
Moderately bitter, cereal lager with a hint of citrus. Keg blew so this was on the house. And I can get behind this trend of bars inside supermarkets.
This is not a juicy beer, but there is definitely a noticeable amount of yuzu flavor in the balance here. Bright without feeling perfumey, I think it hits a good balance. Then again, I really like yuzu. I was a bit late recording this so there's less detail than I'd like, but I'll definitely try this again (and I think they're making a yuzu IPA now?).
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