I'll be honest, I don't really love raspberry, and this is very, very raspberry. However, the other flavors in this give the beer a nice raspberry bar kind of pastry flavor, so I can live with that. The tartness is sharp but fades to a clean finish quickly. So not bad, not bad at all.
Third blueberry beer in a row, wtf was I thinking? This one pours cloudy and violet-pink, almost exactly the look of a Costco berry smoothie. The flavor is believably blueberry, although I don't think the strength of the triple IPA hops do it any favors. In the end though the pure thickness of the beer ruined any enjoyment I might have felt; it just felt wrong going into my body.
The flavor was nice at first, creamy with vanilla and an actual... grainy cloudiness that actually evoked graham crackers for once. But the overall texture was thinner than expected and there was a dry bad-porter sourness that cut the flavor short. A beer that screamed for a little more oomph.