Kizakura Sake Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Japan

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 63 (logged 7 times)
Kizakura Kyoto IPA: 50 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
黄桜 京都麦酒 抹茶 (Kizakura Kyoto Matcha IPA): 56 (logged 3 times)
American India Pale Ale / IPA

Logs for beers from this brewery

A malty, fruity, floral IPA. Very much on the pungent, resinous side, it became hard to keep drinking after a while.
So maybe because it was super-chilled, but this was a lot more mellow than it seems my first try was. Still intensely green, the matcha gives a sweet grass kind of smoothness to the opening, and the rest is basically a somewhat bitter bit light IPA.
Pours almost-opaque chartreuse, like cleaning a paintbrush. Flavor is quite intensely matcha - grassy and almost creamy-sweet. The IPA part is there too - intensely hoppy and floral. That bitterness builds up, leaves the tongue feeling quite dry, and gets quite hard to take.
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