Koholā Brewery

Commercial Brewery | Lahaina, HI, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Affiliated Venues

Koholā Brewery (Lahaina, HI, United States of America)


Overall average: 67 (logged 8 times)
Koholā Hop Aloha Double IPA: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Koholā Lokahi Pilsner: 75 (logged 1 time)
German Pilsner
Koholā Mean Bean Coffee Stout: 75 (logged 1 time)
Koholā Pineapple Pilsner: 67 (logged 1 time)
German Pilsner
Koholā Red Sand: 58 (logged 2 times)
Amber / Red Ale
Koholā Talk Story Pale Ale: 67 (logged 2 times)
American Pale Ale
Koholā WaterMan IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA

Logs for beers from this brewery

A light-tasting, barely-toasty amber. Fragrant but not dank.
Malty and hoppy, Lagunitas-like, very much not my thing.
Somehow less resin than the Talk Story but without the interesting grain flavor. Definitely Hop centric but not bad.
Sweet-roast, creamy and mellow. Really easy to drink although there's something a bit... hollow about the finish? Thin enough that I'd call this a porter.
A noted step down from the regular pilsner; this isn't bad, per se, but the pineapple-juice quality of the fruit erodes the crispness just enough to subvert the flavor. Not fake or weird, just a touch out of balance.
A new brewery, charmingly inserted into the old Maui Brewing space in Lahaina. This is a light, tasty German/American pilsner with a hit of tropical fruit on the front of the flavor. Really strong offering.
Decided to try the new Maui brewery's offering. Some pungent resin to open, very IPA-like, but proceeds to a toasty, exotic grain flavor... Grains of paradise come to mind? Bitter and complex.