
Black Raven Mandarine De Sang

Black Raven Brewing Company
Redmond, WA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

ABV: 6.5%
Bitterness: 20 IBU

From the brewer

This unique ale is a specialty saison aged in white wine casks with brettanomyces for one year. Then blood orange was invited to the party. Straw colored with a light orange tint. Big fruit and funk aromas, freshly bailed hay, citrus, and grape make their presence known. Finishes crisp and lightly dry, from the long barrel time, with tart citrus and light sourness. Draft only in our taprooms and select retail taps through spring and summer annually.

Average Scores

Overall: 89 (logged 3 times)
Draft: 89 (logged 3 times)

Who's been drinking this

Dry, mildly tart, orange saison. More understated than I usually remember getting from Black Raven, but it’s been a while. Pretty good for a sunny day.
Quite tart, fizzy, like a S. Pellegrino Arianciata Rossa with a funky finish, dry Brett bitterness, some horse blanket, but rather clean.