
Wild Acre Tarantula Hawk India Red Ale

Wild Acre Brewing Company
Fort Worth, TX, United States of America

Vital Statistics

ABV: 6.5%
Bitterness: 75 IBU

From the brewer

Tarantula Hawk is an American style, Red IPA dry-hopped with an abundance of coveted Mosaic and Amarillo hops. The deep red color is derived from a blend of Two Row, Victory, Munich, and dark caramel malts. Tarantula Hawk possesses a striking grapefruit, pine, and tropical fruit aroma; and finishes with a firm and clean bitterness.

Average Scores

Overall: 50 (logged 1 time)
Can: 50 (logged 1 time)

Who's been drinking this

Tastes exactly like the style would imply - a light toasted-barley amber, maybe on the Irish Red side, with a ton of hops. Medium-high bitterness, lots of fragrance, not super-fruity. Finish is less bitter than you'd expect, but this is still on the strong side. Would probably pair well with strong barbeque, but on its own was a bit much.
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