
Spiteful Couch Funding Cherry Stout

Spiteful Brewing
Chicago, IL, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Type: Stout
ABV: 7%

From the brewer

Conditioned on tart Michigan cherries, Couch Funding begins with a hearty roast profile and finishes sweet and slightly tart, the brewery stated. Spiteful Player-Coach, Jason Klein, describes it as "dessert in a bottle, reminiscent of a chocolate-covered cherry."

Average Scores

Overall: 67 (logged 1 time)
Bottle: 67 (logged 1 time)

Who's been drinking this

Thickish stout with a mouth-coating sheen of dark chocolate. Cherry is a bit syrupy but also not cloying -- more like the interior of a dark cherry cordial, tart-ish but simple. Not noticeably roasty. A nice dessert sip, but downing a bomber of this would be a hard thing, I think.
Bottle at Naperville, IL