
Breakside White

Breakside Brewery
Portland, OR, United States of America

Vital Statistics

ABV: 5.2%
Bitterness: 11 IBU

From the brewer

This is a modern wit brewed with light touches of spices, a restrained -but- characterful yeast, and tremendous attention to detail by the Breakside team. Everything here is subtle: subtle notes of floral coriander, subtle citrus from the use of bitter orange and sweet tangerine, subtle herbaceous and spicy hop notes, subtle wheatiness that provides a soft and pillowy mouthfeel, subtle notes of lemon, pear, and pepper from the yeast. Together this makes for a layered, symphony of a drink, but because it is so delicate and nuanced, it is also one of our most approachable and winsome beers.

Average Scores

Overall: 75 (logged 1 time)
Draft: 75 (logged 1 time)

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