Wilson T.

All about Wilson

Wilson isn't a member of any clubs.
Wilson has logged 10 beers a total of 10 times.
Wilson's favorite beer so far seems to be Fremont Cowiche Canyon Organic Hop Lab #5: Mosaic IPA: 83 (logged 1 time)
Wilson's favorite type of beer seems to be Märzenbier / Oktoberfestbier.

Wilson's Log

Hints of vanilla - a bit watered down
Draft at Chelan resort
Wow.. Newly minted fresh hop snob because of this brew. Just the right amount of hop to it, crisp flavor profile.
Bottle at Hawks game Seattle
Bottle at Kirkland Oktoberfest Festival
Draft at Kirkland Oktoberfest Festival
Malty but pretty light tasting for an Oktoberfest brew
Draft at Kirkland Oktoberfest festival
A bit too sweet for me
Draft at Work
It's like lemony goodness with a light touch of beer. Novelty makes it taste better than it actually is, but would have again ;)
Can at Home
Solid beer with hints of caramel + Heineken, but a bit more rich and full in taste
Bottle at Redmond, WA
Bottle at San Juan Island, WA
Super light, like water with a slight taste of beer. But there is nothing else in the country so drink up!
Bottle at Misahualli, Ecuador