Andrew B.

All about Andrew

Andrew isn't a member of any clubs.
Andrew has logged 10 beers a total of 10 times.
Andrew's favorite beer so far seems to be Scuttlebutt Earthy Blonde: 100 (logged 1 time)
Andrew's favorite type of beer seems to be American Blonde Ale.

Andrew's Log

My favorite beer of the Brewers Fest. Barely edged out Yoda's Green Tea, and both Black Raven brews. To be fair, I love Rooibos.
I'm not a fan of hoppy beers at all - but as far as something called 'Hopthurst' goes - it was rather decent. Indeed, would drink if free, but wouldn't seek it out.
Very solid - very easy to drink. High alcohol content. Would drink again.
I didn't really pick up on anything that made this beer scream out for me to drink it again. It tasted like a beer. Like, generic beer. I guess this would be my minimum bar for 'I just want a beer to drink.'
Light, slightly fizzy. Mostly had the green tea flavor on the finish - without leaving a bitter tea aftertaste. Very good.
Reminded me of a peach whit. Others got a decidedly more berry flavor off it. Not overwhelming flavor either way - quite enjoyable.
Very boozy tasting - odd to me. However it was one of those beers with a very distinct flavor - a pint might be a bit much to have at one time. Would put it in the 'novelty' category of 'it's fun to taste, but not to drink'.
Polish Style Grodziskie Beer Malts: Oak Smoked Wheat Hops: Perle A/V: 3.5% Light on the tongue to start, slightly hoppy finish.