
Lake Placid Wolf Jaw Wit

Lake Placid Pub & Brewery
Lake Placid, NY, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Type: Witbier
Release: Limited Rotating
ABV: 5.5%

From the brewer

This is a Belgian Style Wheat beer. It is pale yellow in color and delicate in flavor. It is lightly hopped, not at all bitter, and spiced with dried Curacao Orange Peel and Coriander. It is brewed with 41% Unmalted Wheat, a small amount of oats, and the remainder malted barley. It is lightly hopped in order to let the flavors of the wheat, yeast and spices come through. It is fermented with an authentic Belgian yeast strain, which creates some very unique fruity wild yeast flavors. Overall this is a very delicate beer with a complex flavor profile of various fruits and spices. It is light in body and flavor, and very refreshing.

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