
Springfield Abstraction Ale

Springfield Brewing Company
Springfield, MO, United States of America

Vital Statistics

From the brewer

This beer began with the idea to brew a beer with luscious malt flavors emphasizing the sweet, almost raisin-like quality of Special B malt that could support subtle spice notes associated with Asian spiced teas, commonly known as chai teas. After sniffing, tasting and imagining flavor, garam masala was selected as the spice for this beer. On brew day, we brought together the selection of malts, water and hops as we normally do and added the spice addition late in the process to minimize aroma loss. We also added another addition during aging along with some vanilla bean. The beer was transferred without filtration. We hope you enjoy Abstraction Ale! Cheers!

Average Scores

Overall: 83 (logged 1 time)
Draft: 83 (logged 1 time)

Who's been drinking this

Great flavorful ale with currant and raisin flavors. Malty.